Our amazing staff could sometimes use additional supplies to make the school days extra special for our children. If you would like to donate supplies, please check out the wish lists below.  


K- Ms. Cundiff

K - Mrs. Emmons

K - Ms. Robinson

1 - Ms. Bisagno

1 - Mrs. Frey

1 - Mrs. Kane

2 - Mrs. Bushouse

2 - Ms. Gammon

2 - Mrs. Oliver

3 - Mrs. Boman

3 - Ms. Carpenter

3 - Mrs. Kellenberger

3 - Mrs. Knapp

4 - Mrs. Hoffman

4 - Mrs. Jacewitz

4 - Mrs. Jobgen

4 - Mrs. Weinand
5 - Ms. Jiwani

5 - Mr. Warren

5 - Mrs. Watson


SPED- Ms. Beal

SPED- Mrs. Hernandez

SPED- Ms. Murrain

SPED- Ms. Ventura

SPED - Mrs. Seipel (Garrett)


Art - Ms. Buchenau

Library - Makerspace Items

Music - Mrs. Lynn

Spanish - Srta. Porter 

PE - Mrs. Marquette & Mrs. Sword: AA BatteriesBlue Painter's Tape, Clorox Wipes, duct tape

Computers - Mrs. Date

Counselor - Mr. Cherian

Instructional Design Coach -  Ms. Hoffhines

Gifted Program - Mrs. Kirk 

Reading Specialist - Mrs. Oades

Speech - Ms. Mills 

Social Worker - Mrs. Lee 

Nurse - Mrs. Katie


Teachers Pay Teachers gift cards are always appreciated as well!





Shipping Address: 

Lakewood Elementary School

14600 Lamar Ave.

Overland Park, KS  66223